Tireless poetry promoter Denise Low has resurrected the Academy of American Poets online Forum, which was taken down from the AAP website after being hacked, into her own blog. Denise was one of the guest poets/hosts for the Forum in 2008, and she has managed to re-post (with permissions) the archived material on her own blog. The topics included are: “poetics, Charles Olson, Kenneth Irby, William Stafford, Victor Contoski, Lyn Hejinian…, William J. (Billy Joe) Harris, language poetry (lang-po), poetry editors, nature poetry, poetry forums, exploration, individuality, Patricia Traxler.., Donald Levering (poem), deep image, poetry month as ghetto, increase in published books of poetry, Stephen Bunch (and poem), poetry community, Wes Jackson, Judith Roitman (and emoji poems), Joseph Harrington on hybridity and interzones, syllabic measure, and Harley Elliott, Harrington on “passive conversation.” This is some fascinating material that you can check out on the link here and on the links page of this web